Website Design Details
Website Information
Dynamic Media, Inc. Website Design Project Details
Below we have listed short descriptions of included project details for all websites.
WordPress + Blog
Domain Setup (Optional)
Contact Forms
Fully Customized Theme
100% Upgrade-able
Licensed Images/Photos
Optimized & Secure
Basic SEO
Updates & Backups
Web Hosting (Optional)
Content Management System
Client Tutorial & Review
How many website pages do you need?
Standard starting point for most website unless your seeking the single page route or small personal/informational websites. The usual pages usually are: Home | About | Terms | Contact | Blog etc.. You can change it up a bit, but basically that’s it. If you feel that your website should be more than 5 pages, and would like to add more this no problem at all. (I don’t charge a set price for pages.
If each additional page requires only an hour or two you will be billed accordingly.) For most larger businesses or services that are looking to place all of their services or information will most of the time be more around the 10 page range.

Content Management System
CMS – stands for “Content Management System”. Building your site in a CMS (WordPress) allows you full administrative capabilities to add, edit or remove content on your website. Add to your blog or update events etc. This mostly pertains to clients looking to be able to place updates etc. on their website as needed.
We can setup your dashboard making it easy for you to login from anywhere with a secure internet connection, and make either blog post, quick updates and more without needing to call or email your website designer or administrator.
Blog Options
All websites designed by Web Search Pros include a blog section. If you would like to not have the blog section of your website available we can easily turn this feature off creating any custom styling to your needs. Having a blog is a great way to keep your customer’s or website visitors up to date with what you up to etc.

On-Page Information/Business Information
Web Search Pros knows one of the most important aspects of local SEO is NAP (Name, Address, Phone) Ensuring your data is accurate across the board is very important. Also making your business or professional service information available to search engines is critical for being recognized. This is why DIY websites may seem like a great idea, but the reality of it is visual design is just one of the many parts of creating a real website built for functionality.
E-Commerce Web Shop
With Woo-Commerce you take your business to the next level providing your services or products online. We provide all services of the highest quality can will never take shortcuts to save a dollar. We pride ourselves on providing quality a quality web presence. Ensuring PCI Compliance, and SSL security for safe web transactions.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
Website search engine optimization (SEO) is the backbone of any website. Without proper SEO your website will never rank well, and ultimately be found. Building a websites rank takes time, and effort. Never listen to anyone promising an overnight success. Structuring your sites content and implementing safe SEO techniques you can achieve good page ranks through Google & Bing etc.
So Thinking About Building Your Own Website?
Understanding SEO optimization takes a lot of work, and knowledge this is why tackling a small business or professional services website is never a good idea. The time involved for someone without the knowledge to rank well, and build a proper website structure over a duration of time is simply time consuming especially if your trying to run a business.